House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) floated the idea of meeting with President-elect Joe Biden to discuss the government shutdown and border wall issues in an interview with Fox News on Sunday.
McCarthy said that he and Biden have yet to have a “really good discussion” since Biden’s victory last month. “I think I’d like to sit down with the president-elect and talk about government shutdowns and the border wall, what do we do,” McCarthy said.
“I’d like to work with everyone to make sure we solved these issues.” McCarthy also noted that he would be willing to work with Democrats in the House and Senate to help resolve the stalemate over the government shutdown, which has gone on for months.
The border wall was a major platform of President Donald Trump’s campaign, and construction has already begun on portions of the wall. However, the future of the wall is unclear as Biden has said he plans to reverse Trump’s executive orders concerning wall funding. It is possible that McCarthy’s call for a meeting with Biden could be a sign that he is looking for a way to bridge the gap between Republicans and Democrats on this issue.