Vice President Joe Biden has expressed his support for bipartisanship in the wake of the ouster of House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.
In a statement, Biden said: “I have long believed that progress is possible when Republicans and Democrats can work together in good faith. Today’s news does not change that commitment, which I’m confident Democrats and Republicans will continue to remain committed to.”
The Vice President also quoted the late Democratic senator George Mitchell, “By its very nature compromise can bring disappointment to all sides, all at once, but it is almost always preferable to an impasse that brings discredit and disaster to all sides, all at once.”
The ousting of McCarthy has opened up questions about how bipartisanship will play a role in the coming years of the Biden presidency. Biden has pledged to work across party lines, but the reality of a divided government will bring challenges to this commitment. Democrats and Republicans will have to find common ground if legislation is to be passed and cooperation achieved.