Using the Grinch in photos to make money could make you some extra cash, but it isn’t always an economical idea. For example, if you have to purchase expensive props or costumes, then you may spend more cash than you make. Furthermore, the money you make from a photo shoot may not be enough to cover the cost of renting a studio, purchasing props, or hiring a model. Additionally, using copyrighted characters like the Grinch may leave you liable for copyright infringement or other legal issues.
It is worth noting that the Grinch is already quite a popular character, so there are already plenty of Grinch-related photos and products available online. Therefore, it is probable that you won’t make much money from a Grinch-themed shoot, since customers can easily find similar images and items elsewhere.
Overall, while it might be tempting to make some money by using the Grinch in photos, it is important to consider the potential costs, legal implications, and existing market saturation carefully.