House Democrats this week included language condemning anti-Semitism and “anti-Palestinian discrimination” in a resolution aimed at condemning Islamophobia in what some political observers are saying is another example of the party’s political pandering to far-left voices.
The resolution, which cleared the House this week and was cosponsored by 78 Democrats, condemned “anti-Muslim bigotry” and “discrimination, stereotypes, and bias” against Muslims. But it also included language condemning “anti-Semitism, bigotry against minorities, racism, xenophobia, and other forms of intolerance.”
The resolution also denounced “anti-Palestinian discrimination” — language that seems designed to mollify progressives, many of whom are highly critical of the Israeli government’s policies toward Palestinians.
Critics of the resolution are accusing House Democrats of overreaching in an effort to appease the progressive wing of the party. While the resolution does not single out Israel for criticism, some critics argue that it obfuscates the issue of anti-Semitism by lumping it in with other forms of bigotry.